1. Statements “If you mean: Do I believe in an old man with a gray beard up in the sky? then, no— but I believe there’s something— a force—that underlies everything. Maybe God is the Universe or the force behind the Universe. It’s kind of hard to express.” • “I’m not a religious person— I’m
Author: schlockmagazine schlockmagazine
by Jeff B Willey Illustration by Jennings Falzon Stepping off a 1970s discount airliner they take first deep breaths and almost choke. The atmosphere seems equal parts water and air, enveloping them in a rich jungle stank of putrescent vegetation with a tang of shit. No clocks anywhere, time only hinted at. Concrete structures poking
Of all the women in the world, the most beautiful are the women of the isle of Melita. And in all the land of Melita there are none like the women of my own village. And in my village there are none that can be compared with the girl next door. The girl next door
Illustration by Gianluca Farrugia Juliette felt her sister’s wet cunt. Ah. Dreaming of spaniels again. She wondered how long it would be before Justine lost her indefatigable innocence – 200 years on, and double that number in hymen replacements and tightness-restoration surgery (a little more sophisticated than needle-and-thread now, but based on the same principle)
His eyes surveyed the hills. They crawled, poked around, explored hidden caverns with their tendrils, photographed hamlets with their pupils, and relayed back data to the central brain, Cranus. Cranus sat in state, a pulsing grey jelly trembling under the load of incoming data. He processed the information, while feasting on the planet’s denizens,