These are all guidelines. Don’t worry if you don’t follow them all religiously. If something is good enough and we like it, we will let you know, even if it’s written on toilet paper under suspicious circumstances. Fiction We’re interested in every genre and style, however Schlock is particularly partial to work that eschews traditional
Year: 2019
Perfectly mirroring infinity on Earth, the sea is a perfect choice for Schlock Magazine’s latest theme – endless possibility tinged with colour, mystery and danger. Our brave contributors have peered into the abyss and they’ve each come back with a very different story to tell. We’re excited to present a wide variety of genres and
Welcome to Schlock. We are happy to be back with our second Quarterly Edition. This special Issue is dedicated to MALTA – island home of Schlock’s key contributors in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea. This Edition includes our very first selection of submissions in the Maltese language. The issue’s theme may be local but
Welcome to a place where men are men, women are women (unless they’re uber-evil sorceresses or warrior princesses, that is) – for this spellbinding issue of Schlock! Join us in an exotic world of adventure teeming with barbarians, dinosaurs, monsters and bloody battles – as we embrace one of the pulpiest pleasures of all…. SWORDS.
It is with great pleasure and equally sizable pride that Schlock welcomes you to this, our very first quarterly edition. This is a very exciting development for us, because it signals many firsts: we are featuring submissions by ‘external’ writers (and we got lucky with some brilliant writers the first time around), and we are
These are all guidelines. Don’t worry if you don’t follow them all religiously. If something is good enough and we like it, we will let you know, even if it’s written on toilet paper under suspicious circumstances. FICTION We accept all fiction, regardless of subject matter. If we think it is good, we will publish